How To Get Paid For Work You’ve Already Done

Get paid, not played! This is what Icon Debt Solutions is here to help you with! Don’t ever get stuck in the position where you’ve already done the work, but not gotten compensated for it. This is how: Research your client’s credit before anything. If you do this, you will be aware of any risks that you can run into and avoid them before-hand. If you get paid later than the due date, you can use a late payment method where you charge an interest over your fee after every specific amount of time has passed. This will also encourage the client to pay earlier. More money in your pocket quicker ! Builders-Lien - Sign a contract with your client before performing any work. The contract will protect you form any form of risks of not getting paid. Document your work as you go along. The more you document, the more proof you have of your work progress and the payments you have made on behalf of the client. More receipts, more money ...